If you’re like millions of Americans, you probably have credit card debt. And, if you’re like many of us, the uncertain financial times have made it more difficult to repay the debt. If you’re being hounded by bullying debt collectors or if you’ve been served with a lawsuit for debt collection, you still have rights—and a Port Huron, MI, credit card debt lawyer can help you assert them.
Although bankruptcy may be one option, it’s a serious step to take and may not be your only option. The attorneys at Gudeman & Associates, P.C., are experienced debt resolution negotiators and can help you explore options to settle debts and regain control of your finances. Contact us today to get started – you have fewer options the longer you wait.
What Does a Port Huron Credit Card Debt Lawyer Do?
Our first step as your legal representative is to stop the harassment from debt collectors. We can handle all communication on your behalf and may even be able to negotiate a repayment plan on your behalf. We may also be able to stop wage garnishment by the creditor so that your family doesn’t suffer.
Credit card companies will use any means available to get their money. This may include calls at home and work, an embarrassing lawsuit, or wage garnishment. Your lawyer protects your rights and can develop a workable strategy to pay off debt and preserve your dignity.
In some cases, bankruptcy may be the best possible option for you. We can evaluate your situation and explain what Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy would look like for you. Then, if you decide to file, we can complete all the necessary paperwork on your behalf so you’re legally protected.
Negotiating Credit Card Debt Repayment
Although you may be able to negotiate a settlement on your own, there is always a chance that the debt could be re-sold. Without something in writing, you have no sure way of knowing that your rights are protected. When you work with a debt collection lawyer, though, you can trust that they protect your rights and prevent you from having to pay double or triple the amount of the original debt.
We are trained negotiators, and we keep a cool head during the process. Our focus is getting the creditors off your back and achieving a result that works for your finances and satisfies your debt. We can also protect you from future legal actions taken by other lenders.
Are You Struggling With Overwhelming Credit Card Debt?
Credit card debt doesn’t have to ruin your life, finances, and credit score. Even if you’re facing court action, there are still options with the help of an experienced Port Huron credit card debt lawyer. You can contact Gudeman & Associates, P.C., today for a consultation and help resolving your outstanding credit card debt. We’re on your side and ready to fight for you!